Desktop Resistive Touch Screen Monitors

8-Wire Touch Screen Desktop Monitor Due to their many advantages, LCD touch screens are rapidly gaining momentum over CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors as the desktop display of choice. First, flatscreen displays are inherently more convenient as they are slimmer and weigh several pounds less without the TV-like tube protruding from CRT's. With direct on-screen touch, flatpanels allow users to discard the mouse, a traditionally clumsy device traditional to CRT's. Second, LCD flatpanel technology has vastly improved from its problem-ridden past. Contemporary touch flatscreen displays are far more durable, clearer, and accurate than their predecessors. Most importantly, the cost of ownership has dramatically decreased. A typical 15" touch screen runs about $700-800 and consumes less power than a CRT.

Like traditional CRT's, desktop LCD resistive touch screens are conveniently available in various sizes, from 12" to 20". Because of this versatility, they are often incorporated with touch-intensive desktop applications such as hospitality, medical, dental, and office programs. Restaurants, hotels, hospitals, and dental offices are some of their most frequent customers.

In addition to desktops, flatpanel touch screens are used as rackmounts and open-frames.

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CS-420 Project by Fred Walker
Photos courtesy of
FastPoint Technologies.